Physio at Home

Physiotherapy in Lanarkshire,
provided in your own home


Physio & Rehabilitation in Lanarkshire



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At TK Physio we appreciate that it is not always possible for people to get to a physiotherapy clinic for treatment. WIth this in mind, we offer physiotherapy in your own home.

Physiotherapy at Home


Physio & Rehabilitation in Lanarkshire for those that can’t travel

At TK Physio we appreciate that it is not always possible for people to get to a physiotherapy clinic for treatment. This can be due to various reasons including lack of mobility, reduced confidence, having dependents at home or lack of transport. However, we also truly believe that these constraints should not affect your ability to access Physiotherapy treatment, which is why we are proud to offer a home physiotherapy service.

What is home Physiotherapy?

This is where Tracy will come to your own home and carry out a full assessment and indiviaulised treatment plan, all in the comfort of your own home.

What are the advantages to home Physiotherapy?

Home physiotherapy has a few advantages the most obvious of these being that you do not need to leave your own home. Other advantages include Tracy being able to assess you within your home environment and therefore tailor treatment more specifically to your goals within your own home. In addition we can also give advice around possible changes which could be made to make your life easier at home if this was appropriate. One other potential benefit is having the involvement of family members or carers in your treatment if this was something which you wished. 

Are there any disadvantages to home Physiotherapy?

The main disadvantage of home Physiotherapy would be the potential constraints of the space and possibly not having access to all the equipment within the clinic. However, these are things which TK Physio can easily work around and small  equipment and walking aids can still be brought to you. 

How do I know if I am suitable for home Physiotherapy?

Many conditions and injuries are suitable for home Physiotherapy but the best way to check is to contact us and we can contact you to discuss your requirements. 

What can I do if I am concerned about someone coming into my home?

At TK Physio the safety and wellbeing of our clients is paramount and we encourage you to be cautious about who you let into your home. Therefore we take steps to ensure that you can be sure of who we are before we enter your home, such as the use of personal password which will be set up specifically for you, be unique to you and totally confidential.We would also encourage you or family members to check us out through the HCPC and CSP websites and by contacting us and asking any questions about us.